The prices for the blinds we offer here at
ClickforBlinds.com are less than your local blinds supplier will ask from you - this is because our blinds are manufactured by blinds factories in Poland, a new EU member country. Consequently your ordered blinds need to come a long way across international borders before the are finally delivered to your door.

The shipping companies in Europe which offer affordable pricing for international deliveries, impose strict length and girth limitations for individual parcels. The basic barrier is to ship - at a reasonable price - blinds that are over
2350 mm in width (2400 mm in parcel's length).

Those of our customers who wish to buy blinds that are within their natural width limitations
*** but are over 2350 mm in width (
oversize blinds), are asked to contact us
by email with the details of their order: blinds width, type and quantity - we also need your country name and post-code to provide you a valid quotation for oversize order shipping costs.**
IMPORTANT: You can view prices for oversize blinds up to their natural limits at our store but you will not able to put them in shopping cart before the shipping costs quotation has been accepted.

Once you agree on the oversize order shipping costs, it will be enough for you to register at our store by
creating a customer account, we will enable your account for oversize blinds widths and the agreed shipping costs will be added at checkout. After you
log into your account you will be able to put oversize blinds in shopping cart and checkout successfully.
*** Each type of blind is made from a unique type of material: wood, aluminium, fabric. This gives blinds different properties, qualities and looks but also implies natural limitations to blind's width and drop dimensions. See PRODUCT FEATURES at products pages.
** the shipping cost for blind widths of up to 2350 mm is between € 26.94 and € 47.00 for one order to most mainland European destinations (shipping by UPS or GLS). For wider blinds the shipping cost depends heavily on the country of destination (shipping by DHL or Schenker).